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Structure Fire
By Safety Officer Brad Saunders
September 10, 2023
On September 10th at approximately 4:45 PM, Hughesville Volunteers and surrounding departments were alerted to the 11000 block of Bachelors Hope Ct in Cobb Island’s first due for the structure fire. Squad 2 made the response. First arriving units arrived and confirmed a working fire. The assignment was upgraded to a working fire dispatch at which time Engine 22 also responded.
Squad 2 arrived on scene and and assisted with roof operations. A short time later, the crew was assigned to division 2 where they pulled the ceiling and assisted with extinguishing the remaining fire. Once the fire was extinguished, they assisted with overhaul. Engine 22 arrived on scene and staged on scene but was not utilized.
Labor Day deals for firefighters
Save on duty gear, Faraday bags, tactical clothing, command post equipment and more during the last long weekend of the summer