Vehicle Trapped in Water
By Firefighter/EMT-B Brad Saunders
November 11, 2020

On November 11th at 11:12 PM, Hughesville Volunteers along with surrounding companies were alerted to 14000 block of Burnt Store Road for an occupied vehicle trapped in the water. Paramedic Ambulance 2, Ambulance 27, Engine 24, Squad 2, Engine 22 and Duty 2 responded. Paramedic Ambulance 2 arrived and discovered a SUV in a pond with the operator seeking refuge on the roof of the vehicle. The vehicle was sitting in approximately 3-1/2 feet of water. Other units arrived in the scene and assisted the operator to safety. No other occupants were inside the vehicle. The operator refused medical assistance and the scene was turned over to the Sheriff’s Office.

Units: Squad 2, Engine 22, Engine 24, Duty 2, Ambulance 27, Paramedic Ambulance 2