Garage Fire
By Firefighter/EMT-B Brad Saunders
September 24, 2020

On September 24th at 11:08 PM Hughesville Volunteers along with surrounding companies were alerted to Fowler Brothers Place for the Garage Fire. Chief 2, Engine 22, Engine Tanker 2 and Paramedic Ambulance 28 made the response. Engine 22 arrived on scene to find 8an approximately 20 by 30 garage that was converted to a chicken coop fully involved. Crews pulled an attack line and extinguished the bulk of the fire. Engine Tanker 2 arrived on scene and supplied Engine 22 with water while the crew assisted with overhaul. Units were assisted by Truck 12.

HVFD would also like to thank Mechanicsville VFD for providing a fill in crew while units were on the scene of the fire ground.

Units: Engine 22, Engine Tanker 2, Chief 2
Mutual Aid: Waldorf Truck 12, St Mary’s Engine 23